Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Cliche, De Ja Vu

Wow, what a disappointment. I know it's just a free remix video, but I always enjoy Cliche productions. Maybe I expected too much, but I thought it would be at least watchable. How did all those editors manage to make watching that rad team so boring? A lot of it seemed pretty half-assed. I did enjoy Andrew Brophy's part. Ty Evans' edit of Lucas Puig was ridiculous and makes me fear for the future. After a minute-and-a-half of hoping for an end to the slow-mo, I stopped the video and actually said out loud, "Wow, Ty Evans sucks." Never thought I'd say that. I realize the video has to feel a little jumpy because there are different editing styles throughout, but there are many amateur editors out there that could have done MUCH better. Weird, I guess. What a turd. By the way, who the heck am I writing to anyway? I think this is the lowest of internet lows. Skate nerd enraged at a free online video vents on blog. Awesome. Anyway, something to cheer me up.

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